
patio dining \06.12\

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A word that I run across with astounding frequency in my quest for a direction is "passion" - in its various forms.  Everyone seems to self-assuredly instruct you to follow your passion and voila!  Happiness.  Just waiting there like a pot of gold at the end of rainbow.  There's a reason that I used that particular metaphor.  Like that pot of gold, my passion and the pathway to happiness seem to be somewhat elusive thus far.  How does someone not know what they're passionate about?  I'm starting to feel a little bit like Julia Roberts in Runaway Bride, not knowing my favorite type of eggs.  If you asked me to list off things or activities that I like, simple enough.  But that line between "like" and "passionate" seems wavy and abstract.

Today I was in the midst of my recurring Tuesday Codeacademy lessons, CSSing like an amateur and taking notes on declarations and selectors, and I had a thought.  Maybe the path to figuring out my passions starts with small leads.  Perhaps this belies my inner geek, but I eagerly await the hourly coding tutorials that I've assigned myself every Tuesday and Thursday.  And the daily half hour of Spanish grammar, vocabulary or verbs.  I don't have an ultimate purpose for these pursuits beyond wanting to acquire the knowledge.  I can hope that one of them is a catalyst, guiding me down that elusive path.  Even if neither of them is "the one", it's a good reminder to just keep doing, trying and learning.

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