
if you need to pop a squat \11.04\

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I know people dispose of toilets in the suburban and rural worlds too.  I just can't ever recall walking past one on my way home.  And this one has been there for three days now, it was asking to be photographed.  

What somehow made it even more amusing, and strangely alluring, was that it's facing the brick wall.  So being as strange as I am, I go into JD mode (you know, from the show Scrubs) and start imagining an absurd scenario where someone is sitting on the porcelain throne, in an alley, staring at a brick wall.  Who says our wild imaginations fade with age?

Besides my fascination with an alley toilet, I also thought some more about what I wrote yesterday. The part about why we skip over Thanksgiving.  What I realized is that I allow the natural progression of the societal order around me to let Thanksgiving only live for a single day as well.  

In an ideal world, we would all be constantly cognizant of what we have to be thankful for.  And I would assume that on some level, we do realize and respect it.  So instead of mumbling and grumbling about the early prodding of holiday consumerism, I'm personally dedicating this November to acknowledging what my life is graced with.

Today I'm thankful for the fact that my alarm will go off at 6:30 tomorrow morning, because despite the darkness and the early hour, I will wake up in a warm apartment before heading off to a job where I'm treated well and provided with more than enough to live comfortably.

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