
trump lily, lucky penny \10.03\

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The days are getting shorter and I'm feeling short on rest.  So when it's still dark at 6:15am, and my alarm is beckoning me to wake up and work out, I can't summon the motivation.  Approximately four snooze pushes later, I finally open my eyes and consider throwing back the covers.

By that point in time, I have to start the shower routine.  With hair that reaches past mid-back, it's a guaranteed time suck when you consider washing, conditioning and drying it.  It's a good thing I can skip the makeup routine and generally it doesn't matter what I wear to work.  I'm sure I could try showering at night, but I always feel too sleepy and cozy to embark on that journey by the time I think about it.

I partially blame that effect on the darkness seeping in so much earlier.  It's still light when I leave the office, but not for long.  So with daytime coming later, nighttime coming earlier, and a new faster pace of physical activity time log for the week currently equals zero.

It would be helpful if I could ask myself how I managed to fit it into my life before.  But, oh yeah, I didn't really.  There were occasional coed rec sports leagues and two week bursts of running.  Then there was the one time I tried to do a workout via my cable's on-demand videos.  The downstairs neighbor was less than enthused.

There's no end to the articles and studies informing me about the effects of working out on my physical and mental wellness.  And it's not that I don't believe them or don't want to do it, I just haven't figured out how to slot it into my new life schedule.

I'm only slightly kidding when I tell you that I keep thinking to myself, "If I can't even figure out how to fit in a 30 minutes a day to work out, how will I ever have kids or a pet...or even a relationship?"

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