
bookworm \05.10\

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This may not get your heart pumping or be the slightest bit exciting, but I spent all day in anticipation of this delivery.  The book fairy (a.k.a. USPS via left me three indulgent treats.  Perhaps I mentioned this little online shopping trip at the end of last week?  Followed by an anecdote about my family trips to Borders?  Ok, well I have one more book-related tidbit.  Then I'm done...maybe.

There's a good chance that it was just me, and maybe a few classmates, but I considered elementary school book orders to be an occasion.  You better believe that my eyes scanned every single one of those little blurbs and my writing utensil was immediately making circles.  I could barely walk in the door after school before I was bargaining with my Mom, trying to convince her that I actually NEEDED all of those books.  I don't recall ever getting away with more than two at a time.  Apparently libraries were supposed to fill the void.

Earlier this week, I saw an article about Justin Bieber graduating high school.  (Stay with me, this is actually related.)  It included a comment about how he's done things in his life like travel the world, but school makes you do things like reading and writing...and he's not really into that.  At that moment in time, it pained me that he could be considered a role model.  I have also traveled to many places in the world, but I still place extremely high value on reading and writing in my life.  Then again, maybe this is another one of those occasions where it's just me.

Final thoughts on reading for today.  I really wish that I knew how many books I had read in my lifetime.  Unfortunately, that seems fairly impossible.  It's plausible that I could manage to track back most of the books I've read thus far in 2012.  So, I'm adding that to my 2012 agenda: book timeline.

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