
drifting, drifting \02.14\

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Accepting that tomorrow is my last full day in Sámara is kind of rough.  If only there was a way to merge my two completely disparate worlds.  It did get me to thinking about some things that haven't been a part of my life for nearly a month, but seemed integral to daily life in Chicago.

- Jeans: This might not sound that strange, but it will be odd to go from a daily outfit consisting of a swimsuit and flimsy cotton cover up to all of that heavy denim.
- Credit card: Costa Rica is pretty heavily cash-based.  I've been living on bills and coins for a month...even for my lodging.  Those were heavy ATM withdrawals.
- Hair dryer/flat iron: I don't miss these, but dry hair is a necessary evil in Chicago winters.
- Full-length mirror: Focus on appearance has been pretty much negligible for the past month.
- iPod & DVR: I was practically able to add TV to that list, but I've watched a few shows before bed in this last place.  Not using my iPod surprised me at first, but the sounds of the waves and the reggae music piping in from the Gusto Beach bar are a perfect background.
- Driving: Maybe not that odd for most Chicagoans, but I usually get behind the wheel at least once in a week.
- Gloomy weather: I've literally seen the sun every day for four weeks.  This is a streak I'd prefer to keep going.
- Meat: Somehow, during my first week here, I accidentally lived as a vegetarian.  After that, I thought I'd challenge myself to keep it going...and I did.  There's a good chance that I'll hunt down a cheeseburger pretty quickly upon returning to the U.S. though.

It has definitely been an interesting change of pace and routine.  There are a few things I won't miss: daily full-body sunscreen application, omnipresent sand (not just at the beach), and bugs everywhere - ants crawling on my towel and my body, bugs in my shower and my bed, on the floors and the walls.  On the other hand, I won't begin to enumerate the things that I will miss.

Besides seeing all of the people that I love, I'm starting to notice other cravings for home.  Many of them are food-related, like french fries, iced mochas, and Subway (for whatever reason).  More than anything, I can't wait to luxuriate in the comfort of my own bed and pillows.  I may not move for an entire day.

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