
coffee table takeover \12.09\

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With the way that November disappeared, I already foresee the next week and a half whizzing past me.  So things got a little crafty this weekend.  You see, I somehow started this belief in my family that I'm creative.  Hallmark has been deemed an unacceptable substitute, Mom and Grandma wait in expectation of what I can come up with on my own.

Most of my cards are a project in upcycling - paper scraps, magazine clippings, bits of ribbon, shapes made from cereal box, and so many other found objects.  It helps that I also have a little cache of paints, markers, glues, and the oh-so-necessary X-ACTO knife.

Truth be told, I always think about the effort that goes into these cards with a lack of anticipation.  It takes a lot of time and effort, constantly generating new ideas and putting them into effect.  Then something funny happens, I get absorbed in the process.  Once I get started, I can't stop thinking, "What else?"

Over time I've learned that the trick is to start early.  If Christmas isn't until December 25, then December 9 gives me a good cushion to work on a little bit at a time.  I don't feel rushed and make work that I'm not proud of.

On one hand it feels a little ridiculous that I'm nearly 29 years old and still creating homemade Christmas, birthday and Mother's Day cards.  Then I remember that there's a huge crafting industry and a lot of women older than me making homemade cards...scrapbooks...and so many other things. And I must say that my current array of cards have a bit more panache than the washable Crayola marker on computer paper variety of days past.

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