Let's do a little SAT-style word association. You know what, I'll even just go ahead an fill in the blank for you. Yesterday : T-shirt :: Today : Snow. Yes, I already went over this in the previous post. But now I've actually witnessed Chicago's first snowfall, it's currently resting on my car.
In unrelated news, I watched an entire NBA game tonight. Despite being an avid sports girl, the NBA doesn't really make my list, so it's been more than awhile since the last time I sat down to take in a game. Actually, it was my first Bulls game and my first time ever visiting Chicago. December 2005, the United Center hosted a sports career fair.
That was back in the day when I thought sports marketing was my career path. It was also the weekend that I made up my mind to live in Chicago. Although it wouldn't transpire until three years after that career fair, here I am seven years later. In the snow. Thinking about last year at this time, when I made life-altering decisions. Refer back to the post from 11/05 for more on my affinity for year-end decision-making.
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