Sometimes there isn't much on my mind, believe it or not. Today is one of those days. I made it as far as the entry way after work, put on my pajamas, and settled into the couch. Despite the voices in my head telling me to work out or work on something, I lounged, chilled, vegetated, whatever verb you'd like to use.
My greatest use of contemplative energy was how to use the five days of paid time off that I have this year, when I'm not going anywhere. We have to supply our requests so that the managers can ensure coverage during the holidays. So maybe I'll take off December 26 and a few random Fridays. I'm horrible at using time off if I don't have plans to leave the country; next year's days are already numbered and accounted for.
So I guess I'll end on this note. Today I'm thankful for the abundance in my life that I often take for granted. Such as the fact that having more vacation days than I do plans is a problem. Or that my company is funding lunches for the entire company from Monday through Thursday during the fourth quarter, so that we can remain focused.
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