Sometimes when life hands you lemons and, instead of lemonade, it delivers your Amazon.com book order a day earlier than expected. When you return home, tired of the bitter taste that those lemons, there's something so sweet about the phrase "Pull Tab to Open". For now, I have to subsist on photographing and dreaming about prying open those covers. Tomorrow, though, we dance.
Despite the hectic, insane, breakneck agenda that claimed my day, I found two hours this evening to fit in a creative writing workshop. Obviously I write something daily, and I'm consistently reading two books at once, but I wouldn't consider myself imbued with the gift of storytelling.
I always finding it somewhat comforting to put pen to paper, even when it's rough and undeveloped. Something else that I took away from this workshop, though, is how easy it is to take good writing for granted. As the instructor worked with us, she urged development by asking questions about the scene or the character, prodding us for more detail and enlightenment. It makes you consider how seamlessly a good writer can bake in sensory perceptions and spatial relations, but all you're comprehending is the aggregate scene.
Although I already have a tendency to observe writing style when I pick up a new book, I have a feeling that I'll be paying attention to the more nuanced aspects of engaging writing now. Honestly, how anyone can not be in loving with reading and writing is beyond my conception.
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