Do you remember, as a kid, when you got a new toy so coveted that you couldn't even consider leaving home without it? That's how I'm feeling about my camera. I'm afraid that if I don't have it with me at all times, I'm going to miss a prime photo opportunity. And my Android camera just isn't going to instill the same giddy feelings in me.

Since I don't currently have a bag for my camera, I'm tentative about bringing it out into the wild. Not to mention that I don't have a strap attached to the body, and the cold air makes me afraid of fumbling through gloved hands. I did go for a little test drive through the Lincoln Park Conservatory today, after an owners manual reading session.

Although the camera managed to catch some interesting shots, I'd attribute that more to the naturally amazing baseline of a dSLR and some luck. When playing with manual adjustments, I was just fooling around with only a scant idea of why I'd nudge the setting up or down a level. The good news is that I'm excited to learn; being the nerd that I am, learning and projects are exciting to me.
If anyone happens to know Chicagoland locations that would provide rich atmospheres for test driving my gear, I'm all ears.
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