
a glimpse of every day \11.14\

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Sometimes you have days that manage to hit you with the force of a cement truck.  All you want to do is make them stop or forget they happened.  So I did both of the aforementioned and I'm not going to elucidate on any part of my day.  I'll assume today's photo is worth a thousand words on that topic.

Instead I'm going to delve into one of life's most engaging, and light-hearted, topics.  Puppies.  I can tell who my true friends are, because they participate in ritualistic self-torture with me - exchanging photos and videos of puppies so cute that it makes you squirm.  Honestly, how can you deny a face like this or furballs like these?

And, yet, I do resist them.  My life is not suitable to the ownership of pets at this juncture.  First of all, because they would often be left unattended from 8:00am to 9:00pm (sometimes later) and my rational brain realizes that this is unfair.  Second of all, because I live in 550 square feet that's barely large enough for me.

Let's be real, elevator rides and walking several blocks for bathroom breaks are also a minor deterrent.  Add winter weather to the mix and the aforementioned becomes a major deterrent.  I see those urban dog owners out there at 9:00pm in their pajamas, while their canine pal sniffs the curb for the appropriate square inch of territory to mark.  At that moment in time, I'm not so envious.

So my dreams of having a dog child are relegated to the future, hopefully a future that incorporates a fenced-in plot of grass.  In the present, if all of my friends could work on acquiring puppies for me to play aunt to, that would be ideal.  Please and thank you.

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