The days are getting shorter and I'm spending most of the daylight hours in an office. Therefore, photos have a tendency to fall into sunrise, dusk, or dark these days. Today brings you an ominous reminder of how things look in the impending month of November, generally my least favorite of the year. It's the month where the Midwest proves to me that sunny and 70 really is a pipe dream.
To offset the dreariness, I always have to keep my eye on a prize. Prize = travel. I think I've figured out how to use some well-played Monday holidays and squeeze three trips into one year. So I guess I have my eye on three prizes. Good thing I'm an excellent multi-tasker.

In the doldrums of winter, early 2013, it'll be time for some much needed maxin' and relaxin' during a long, sunny Puerto Rican weekend....and maybe just a dash of off the beaten path adventure thrown in. September has long been earmarked for Croatia, a solid nine or ten day traipsing about the country. And since I have my heart set on Ecuador, I finagled a spot for it during a week including Memorial Day. There's nothing tentative about these plans, I'm committed.
If I can manage to fit in all of those plans and still save money, I'm thinking that it's time to start a fund for eventual property ownership in Central or South America. For some reason, I feel more motivated to make an investment of the getaway caliber than buy a home in the U.S. Maybe I watched too many episodes of House Hunters International.
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