
change and reflection \10.25\

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I've been disgracefully neglectful in reading my typical cache of followed blogs.  So, on this night that I set aside for couch laying and World Series watching, I thought I'd throw in some blog reading.  Some entries were more skim-worthy, others were full-reads, but one was fodder for further perusal.  And it just so happens that I reserve this little space of my own for such acts.

Here's what got me:
"For several years beforehand, I thought about writing but never wrote. During much of that time I dreamed of doing something significant, but didn't have a vision for its form or structure. 

If you have a project you're just now beginning, I hope you'll see it through. If the project is in progress and you haven't achieved the traction you wanted (and you're still motivated to do it), I hope you won't give up. If you keep working at it over time, I hope you'll be able to fill your own stadium with people who engage with it…" (Chris Guillebeau @ AONC)

I've always written for myself.  Even though my dad has believed for many years that I will eventually write a book, I've never thought that I had anything of value to say to other people.  This blog wasn't even intended for writing.  Yet, it somehow became a forum of putting my thoughts into the public realm (well, semi-public - most people who read this probably already know me).  As I compose my 300th post, these musings still don't have a purpose or direction other than fulfilling a goal that I set for myself.

The rigorous pace of every day writing will probably wane in 2013, but I'd like to think that I will keep at this.  There's something to be said for forcing your mind to generate and contemplate.  Maybe it will never lead to anything more than this, a few handfuls of people and a personal challenge.  But there's hope in the word 'maybe'.  If I don't write and share then the odds of developing my own vision and giving it structure...well, they're slim none.

So, here's to number 300, then 65 more, and many after that.

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