
retro tchotchke montage \08.14\

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Some days make you feel like you just aren't meant to win.  The skies are gray, the clouds are full of rain, nothing works, and everything feels like it's piercing that ache in your head.  If there is anyone who can claim to never have experienced a day like this, I don't believe it.

The challenge is to help yourself come out of these days unscathed, not letting the effects linger.  I wasn't born with a predisposition for optimism, so this is effortful.  Yet, when I look back at my day objectively, I can see the cracks where a little light shone through.

Visiting my great aunt was rougher than I can describe, but there was a half hour of solitude that I spent in quiet reflection of memorable times.  The front room of her house has always been an indoor garden, complete with plants, stone, wood chips, fountains and critters (albeit, fake ones).

As kids, we found endless hours of entertainment playing in her garden.  Despite the number of years it has been since I last bathed ceramic frogs in the cupid fountain, I saw them today and it felt like time had barely shifted.  The memories are that vivid and fond.

I also took the time to really witness and appreciate the stoicism, love and care that my mom displays effortlessly and daily for her aunt.  When we start to consider ourselves adults, sometimes we forget that our parents can still teach us things.  Unintentionally, my mom led by example today.

As I started to rifle through these positive thoughts, it became easier to see even more: the love of my grandma with her fresh-baked cookies, the thoughfulness of my dad, the supportive presence of my best friend, the simple expression of gratitude from someone that I helped.

Gray days happen, they always will.  My new goal is to treat them with a version of the age-old advice to couples: never go to bed angry.  Instead of falling asleep with resentment for my gray day, I'll look for the bits of color that are surely hiding there.  I feel like it increases my odds of waking up on the right side of the bed tomorrow.

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