Something that I continually promised myself I'd do during my non-employed phase was take advantage of free days at museums in the city. Without hesitation, I pay for art museums when I travel. For some reason, in my own city, I feel taken advantage of when I'm asked to cough up $22 to enter.
Well, apparently free days didn't boost my motivation much. Maybe it's because the museum campus seems so far away and not particularly convenient for me to reach via CTA.
But on this day, which also happens to be Andy Roddick's 30th birthday (no relation to this post whatsoever), I resolved to hit up the Field Museum. Similar to my recent movie outing, I made myself bike to my entertainment. Efficiency. Hopefully I can apply such ingenious solutions in my impending career move.

After a couple aimless hours, I headed to the point of the museum campus where I could sit on the Adler Planetarium's lawn and admire the skyline view. I like this city, I really do, and I'm ready for my next phase here to begin!

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