
pretty poison \05.15\

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Writing often uses metaphor to make an abstract concept more tangible for readers.  Actually, the average person does the same thing.  The difference comes in implementation: writers create full-blown articles and books to get the point across, everyone else is more likely to choose from a well-stocked history of metaphorical phrases.  On a bike ride with my Dad this afternoon, I had a case of writer's mind.  I spent the entire ride create a metaphor revolving around life and a bike ride.

I think that I'm going to write it out in more detail, even if I do nothing more than keep it to myself.  The basic starting point came to me as we coasted down the first big hill today.  I thought about how much I loved that feeling of flying as a kid.  There was no regard for the things that run through my head now: keep your hand close to the brake, watch for cars, avoid lose gravel on the curve.  That directed my thought process toward a broader, related consideration.  Do I approach everything that should be a pleasurable aspect of my life with this same reticence?  How much does that dilute the enjoyment?  And is it a bad thing to be realistic and prepared?

From there, my mind start to mull the obvious comparison of the ups and downs in life to the uphills and downhills on a bike.  There were tangential thoughts about pain, challenge, appreciation, detours and so on.  I should include a disclaimer here that bike rides in my family aren't short, leisurely spins around the neighborhood.  My Dad knows where to pick out long inclines and steep hills that make it feel more like interval training.

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