Betty Crocker, that is. I'm not a frequent chef. My toolset is limited, my skills are elementary. But sometimes I even impress myself. Please excuse me while I pat myself on the back for a snickerdoodle job well done.

When I was younger and my mom would try to urge me to help her in the kitchen, it just felt like a chore. She viewed it as a learning experience, I considered it coercion. Needless to say, I didn't learn much. When I went to college, I was fully capable of fending for myself, but it took awhile to outgrow meals bought in bags from the freezer section. Oh, and that strange instant mashed potatoes stage that I went through.

Over time I started to try my hand at cooking and baking. Cakes, brownies, chili, a lot of Tex-Mex foods. I realized that in the right mind frame, not only was I capable of kitchen creations, but I could actually enjoy the process. It's akin to a science experiment, only you can eat it in the end. Now I've graduated on to playing with various spices and adding my own ingredients on the fly. Although I won't pretend to be a seasoned or innovative chef, I'm starting to feel a little comfortable in the kitchen.
Starting today, though, I'm working with a bachelor's fridge. You know, the empty kind. Besides snickerdoodles, you won't find much else besides eggs, bread and milk. I'm heading home for a week of holiday time on Wednesday night, so there will be no more culinary adventures in my kitchen for awhile. Maybe that's something to build into my 2013 life plan, once I free up some hours each week from photos and blogging.
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