Today was a day of final goodbyes. For the last time, I made my way to my great aunt's house for a very cozy and personal memorial service. It was her wish that her physical being remains with those of her deceased husband and son, spread among the places she loved most - the woods and gardens where she fed the birds, watched the squirrels, strolled among the trees, and wrote her poetry.

Each of us were given the option to take a small portion of ashes and bring my aunt to rest with the nature she loved. While everyone else stayed within the yard and gardens, I pushed my way through pine boughs, sinking into the soft carpet of their needles, seeking a place where the din of domestic life faded away. The woods were filled with remnants of the many years that they spent on the property. Discarded tires, old well pumps, moss covered wooden ladders and saw horses.
I said my goodbye not only to my aunt, but to a place that seems unchanged over the years. The vintage touches were innately her and remained through the decades. This means that I remember all of them from my childhood. They were unique and memorable even then. The garden in the front room with all of it's faux birds, rubber spiders, and cherub fountains was already removed when I arrived today.
It's difficult to believe that piece by piece everything will be dispersed, and all that remains are the few physical pieces that each of us will retain and the memories that grow more distant.
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