I'm slowly assembling pieces of the puzzle known as my future. Although I'm fully cognizant that I don't need to be in a rush, and that it would actually be detrimental to do so, it's easy to get swept along in the "go, go, go" American mentality. So, I need to continually regroup with myself and objectively examine any of the decisions I'm contemplating.
Upon my return, Chicago was kind enough to grace me with some unseasonably "warm" and sunny weather. Now the days are reclaiming a bit more of that late-winter gloom. It will require effort to keep my mind unclouded (pun intended) and my days non-sedentary, BUT I'm convinced that I've been heading in the right direction...even if I can't tell quite which way it is yet.
On another note, a full arsenal of Costa Rica photos are now sorted and posted for your perusal. By "full", I mean 350+ photos. Click here to head over to my album!
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